Test Preparation
Preparing for the future
At iLearn Education, we are committed to meeting the ever-changing needs of our community with tailored educational programs. To better support our students, we’ve launched a dedicated Test Prep Department, designed to provide personalized guidance for every step of the test preparation process. Whether preparing for the SCAT, ISEE, SSAT, or SAT, our experienced instructors offer customized classes aimed at helping your child achieve their best. With a proven track record of student success, we are here to support and guide you throughout the journey. For expert advice, targeted strategies, and a focused approach, iLearn Education’s Test Prep Department is your trusted resource to help your child reach their full potential.

Advanced Placement (AP)
Stand out on college applications, earn college credit, and skip introductory courses with our Advanced Placement (AP) program. We guide high school students through college-level studies and prepare them for the AP exams that can open doors to future opportunities.
AP Exams
English Language/English Literature
United States Government
and Politics -
World History
European History
United States History
Calculus AB
Calculus BC
Art History
Computer Science Principles
Both the ISEE and the SSAT are used for admission to private middle and high schools and test Vocabulary, Math, and Reading Comprehension. Many schools accept either test for admission, allowing students to choose the one that best aligns with their strengths.
ISEE 和 SSAT 都用于私立中学和高中的入学考试,测试内容包括词汇,数学和阅读理解。许多学校接受这两种考试作为入学条件,学生可以选择自己最具有优势 的一种考试。
The ELPAC is a test designed to assess how well students in kindergarten through grade twelve understand English when it is not their primary language.
ELPAC 是一项测试,主要评估从幼儿园到十二年级的学生在英语不是主要语言时对英语的理解程度。
The SAT and ACT are standardized exams utilized for college admissions and merit-based scholarship awards. While both tests cover similar topics, most colleges do not show a preference for one over the other, and neither is inherently more difficult. Students often perform better on one test than the other, depending on their strengths and test-taking styles.
SAT 和 ACT 是用于大学入学和基于成绩的奖学金申请的标准化考试。虽然两项考试的内容相似,但大多数大学对其中一项考试并无偏好,两者的难度也没有本质区别。根据学生的优势和考试风格,通常会在其中一项考试上表现得更好。
Developed by Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY), the Online School and College Ability Test (SCAT) provides a fast and straightforward way to assess eligibility for CTY programs. Students can take the test from home, within one hour after registration. CTY uses a three-level grading scale, designed by experts in gifted education, to compare your child's score with that of students in higher grade levels.
The test is divided into two sections: Verbal and Quantitative, each containing 50 multiple-choice questions plus five experimental ones that don't count toward the final score. Each section lasts 22 minutes, with an optional 10-minute break in between. The verbal section focuses on analogies, while the quantitative section measures mathematical reasoning through comparisons between two quantities, often without requiring actual calculations.
Students are tested at different levels depending on their grade:
Elementary (grades 2–3),
Intermediate (grades 4–5),
Advanced (grades 6 and up).
There is no penalty for guessing, and the test is administered on a computer, often taking less than an hour to complete. Scores are presented as scaled scores, with ranges that vary depending on the test level, typically from 400 to 514. These scores help determine eligibility for CTY programs.
由约翰霍普金斯大学天才青年中心(CTY)开发的在线学校和大学能力测试 (SCAT),为评估孩子是否符合CTY项目提供了一种快速简单的方法。学生可以在注册后一个小时内在家参加测试。CTY使用三等级评分标准,由天才教育专家设计,以将您孩子的得分与高年级学生的得分进行比较。